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"In my classroom, I enjoy playing with the Lego with my friends." Elliot, Reception

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Welcome to Class 1's Information Page

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How we learn

In class 1, a lot of the children’s learning is achieved through continuous provision. The classroom is set up with a range of ‘areas of provision’ which the children are able to access during independent learning time, which we call ‘discovery time’. The children are able to choose activities based on interests and this gives them time to rehearse and consolidate previously taught skills. An adult is often in the provision, to support the children, as well as challenge them.

Children will also work in small focus groups during adult led time. For reception, they will have one focus group of either reading/writing or maths a day. Year 1 complete 4 reading/writing and maths focus groups a week. We are joined by Year 2 in the afternoons for the Wider Curriculum. 

How do we record our learning?

Reception children have their own online learning journey on Seesaw. Mrs Peck will post pictures of observations during independent learning time and some adult led work the children have completed. In line with the new early year’s curriculum, there may be less photos than in previous years. This is so the adults can spend more time with children in their independent learning, building relationships and challenging them!

A very exciting new resource in class one, is that each child has their own IPad. This means the year 1 and 2’s will record their own purposeful independent learning on their IPad. They will create their own learning journey!

Staff and communication

Their teacher is Mrs Peck for most of the week, with Mrs Kingston covering one afternoon a week. We are lucky to be supported by our fantastic teaching assistants Mrs Utteridge and Mrs Liddell (afternoons).

If you wish to contact the class teacher please send a ClassDojo message. You could also contact the school office if you wish to make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher.

Celebrating our learning

We have many ways we celebrate our learning in class one. The children can earn stickers, dojos, certificates and a place on our wow wall. They might even get to visit Georgie the school dog!

Each Friday parents are invited to a celebration assembly at 9:10am in the school hall. Each week different children will be chosen for an award in english, maths and a passion, pride or progress award. If a child has been spotted showing one of our learning skills, a learning muscle badge may be awarded too!


All children receive a phonics home learning sheet each week. This will keep you up to date on your child's phonics learning, as well as give you activities to practice at home!

In Year 1 and 2, each half term a homework grid will be sent home. It has a range of activities in a range of subjects. . We have a special show and tell where the children share their home learning! Reception will have purposeful challenges sent home when appropriate.

Reading is very important to us in class 1! The children will have a reading diary, reading book and a library book to develop a love for reading . We expect the children to read 3 times a week. The children will read with an adult twice a week in reading groups. 

General notices

Class 1 has a no toy policy. However, if you feel your child may need a toy to help them with the transition please talk to Mrs Peck. 

Class 1 will do show and tell, if there is time, on a Thursday afternoon. This is a great opportunity for children to show off work, books and anything that is related to their learning. To respect our no toy policy, we please ask that toys are not brought in for show and tell.

We do lots of outdoor learning in any weather! Please make sure children have appropriate clothing e.g. hats and coats in colder months and sun hat in the summer months.

P.E day is Friday.  Please make sure all clothing and drink bottles are labelled.

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